„Hidden Gems“ of Idol Group 22/7 Will Shine in 13th Episode
Idol group 22/7 is making its way to anime next month with eight of its 11 members in starring roles. The makers of the upcoming series have announced that the other three will be appearing in a thirteenth episode, and have released a PV and new character art.
Joining the group will be the elegant Mikami Kamiki (CV Moe Suzuhana):
The upbeat Yuki Tojo (CV Urara Takatsuji):
And the cheerful Tsubomi Hiragi (CV Aina Takeda):
第13話 Extra episodeの制作が決定しました
みかみちゃん、悠希ちゃん、つぼみちゃんを新たに加えた11人の物語が描かれます続報は後日発表予定ですので引き続きお見逃しなくhttps://t.co/WvEHyyENcK#ナナニジ pic.twitter.com/0sYnFLY83I
— TVアニメ「22/7」公式 (@227anime) December 24, 2019
More information on this episode will be released at a later date.
The episode was announced at today’s fan get-together, where news was also dropped that a 22/7 mobile game is on the way. Titled 22/7 Music Time („22/7 Ongaku no Jikan,“ or „Nanaon“ for short), it will be a rhythm game and is due to be released in 2020. A website and Twitter account were launched for the game, along with pre-registration
Finally, we have further news concerning Mei Hanakawa’s departure from the group. In October, we reported that Hanakawa would be stepping down from her role as Nicole Saito due to health concerns. Nicole will now be voiced by Utaha Kawase, who made her debut with the group at today’s event.
The 22/7 anime adaptation will premiere January 11.
>> 22/7 Website
>> 22/7 Twitter
Source: Comic Natalie
Kara Dennison is the co-founder of Altrix Books and co-creator of OEL light novel series Owl’s Flower, with writing credits across the Internet. She blogs at karadennison.com and tweets @RubyCosmos. Her latest book, Vanishing Tales of the City, is now available for pre-order.
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