
#7 Ways To Prevent Data Theft In Your Organization In 2022

7 Ways To Prevent Data Theft In Your Organization In 2022

Data is an essential resource in today’s society, and businesses that control it are considered powerful. However, this rapid transition to the digital space has also paved the way for various cyberattacks. Generally, devastating data theft cases are rising, and no organization is secure. Cyberattacks can happen even at well-established companies, making them the most serious challenge for small and big businesses.

Operating a company without adequate data security is extremely risky, mainly if your staff works remotely. If your business has not prioritized data theft prevention, you expose your firm’s sensitive data, revenues, and image to risk.

This article seeks to assist you in better securing your company from data breaches and will explain data espionage and mitigation measures to guard against it while maintaining higher levels of data protection.

What is Data Espionage?

Data theft is stealing sensitive data from business systems, including computers, databases, servers, or other digital gadgets, to access confidential material or jeopardize confidentiality. The stolen data might comprise passwords, health records, social security details, bank card numbers, banking details, and other data.

Cybercriminals frequently steal data to sell it on the darknet or utilize it for identity fraud. Once a malicious actor gets illegal access to sensitive data, they can change, erase, or inhibit the victim from accessing it. This has necessitated organizations to implement advanced prevention methods to secure confidential data.

1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA gives you an additional layer of protection on top of the typical account name and password combo. This technique demands more than one form of identification to view something. Most MFA techniques comprise an SMS code or password sent to your gadget or phone.

Besides, organizations often leverage advanced code signing tools to encrypt their data before sending it over the Internet. Such tools enable businesses to send data securely to the desired party while authenticating the receiver’s identity. 

2. Use Stronger Passwords

Cyber attackers can easily hack passwords, particularly if you choose weak ones. A secure password mixes characters, digits, lowercase letters, and capital letters. Therefore, ensure that your login password is unique and easy to recall to reduce the likelihood of forgetting it.

Avoid writing your passwords down on paper or your smartphone, as this could make them more accessible to others. Instead, a password manager can help you store multiple passwords you need to recall. Additionally, use different passwords for various accounts and continually update your password, as one compromised password could leave all your accounts vulnerable.

3. Encrypt Your Devices

Organization gadgets don’t always remain in the office because telecommuting practices and hybrid workspaces are becoming more common. Staff carry computers, iPad, and other necessary gadgets when seeing clients or traveling.

But what would happen if the gadget was stolen or disappeared? In such cases, it’s essential to encrypt every device so that no one can access the data, mitigating intrusions that may result from such incidents. Besides, create a robust encryption policy to prevent illegal access to the gadgets and their contents. You can also employ remote wipe programs to erase the equipment of all data.

4. Monitor Employees

Irrespective of how small a firm is, you cannot always supervise every staff. Additionally, you cannot personally supervise your personnel’s behavior when they operate from remote places. The best action in such scenarios is to use staff monitoring software. It enables you to always keep an eye on your workers‘ computers to ensure that they don’t inadvertently or deliberately expose sensitive information.

Such software offers several tools to monitor sign-in and logout times, working hours, application usage, web activity, screenshots, and all other relevant metrics. These tools are crucial for identifying any nefarious activity that can compromise the data. They also offer strong firewall settings, allowing you to set up security settings and guard against illegal access to your server.

5. Avoid Using Public Wi-Fi Networks

Public Wi-Fi might appear handy, but it’s not necessarily safe. Malicious attackers and fraudsters frequently target accessible Wi-Fi networks to exploit and acquire data maliciously. To avoid this, disable file sharing and Bluetooth, stop sending or retrieving confidential data, employ a firewall and a Virtual private network, and avoid using unsecured Wi-Fi.

6. Beware Of Personal Gadgets

Amidst all the cyber risks it poses, the BYOD trend in the office is growing fast. Companies are adopting this strategy because it provides client satisfaction, which increases productivity. It has since evolved into the norm since many businesses permit staff to bring personal gadgets to work. Therefore, if your company adopts this strategy, you must have the necessary technology and policy guardrails to mitigate the risks.

Sometimes personal gadgets contain viruses and can collect data from the network devices if connected to a company network. Therefore, ensure that the staff connects their gadgets to a separate network not shared by the workplace systems. It lessens the likelihood of data intrusions and helps safeguard your firm’s data assets.

7. Vulnerability Assessment

Malicious actors are constantly seeking ways to penetrate networks and install malware. Moreover, software faults and unreleased software updates frequently create opportunities for hackers to access your database or data illegally.

Remember that finding a solution requires understanding your weaknesses. Performing cyber vulnerability scans regularly can help you identify anything that needs fixing. This will enable you to learn about your systems, including which computers need software updates and which systems are missing antivirus protection.


Protecting against data espionage is crucial for a business to develop and run efficiently. Thus, by including these suggestions in your organization’s data security strategy, you can stop cybercriminals from gaining access and deter employees from engaging in sabotaging behavior.

by Emma Gill

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