
#Behind Closed Doors: The Dos and Don’ts of Negotiating a Settlement After an Accident

Car accidents are really horrific experiences for victims. They can have a huge toll for those who had to undergo such an experience. Apart from the injuries or trauma, the journey of getting a fair settlement is a struggle on its own.

The victim has to fight a lot to prove the fault of the responsible party and get the compensation that is fair and cover their overall damages.

If a person has been injured in an accident, it is important for them to know how to get a favourable settlement. For that, you need the best motor vehicle accident lawyer.

Hence, in this article, you will learn about the Dos and Don’ts of negotiating a settlement after you meet with an accident. 

Not only do you get suitable compensation, but you will also be able to hold the responsible party at fault.

Navigating Personal Injury Negotiations


  • Preserve Evidence: 

It is crucial to preserve the evidence while claiming for personal injury lawsuit settlement. It is the initial yet important means of proving the fault of the responsible party and establishing the economic and non-economic losses.

Your case will grow stronger if you have more evidence pointing out the fault of the responsible party. Thus It will enhance the chances of a successful settlement.

  • Medical Treatment:

Medical treatment is necessary after you meet with an accident. You need to get proof in the form of hospital bills and receipts.

This can help you get a better settlement amount that covers your overall expenses.

You need to keep your injuries and treatment received documented to make your case strong.

  • Valuing Your Claim:

You can effectively determine the amount of settlement you are entitled to receive. It is important to have a proper evaluation of your claim, which consists of considering the following things:

  • Nature and severity of your injuries
  • Physical Pain
  • Medical expenses or bills
  • Monetary losses

You can also add elements such as loss of wages or non-economic damages like loss of quality of life, depression, anxiety, etc.

  • Build Your Claim:

You need to review your case with a lawyer specializing in accidents and injuries. They will help you build a successful case and get a justified amount for yourself.

  • A Good Impression:

As a wise person has said, first impressions are long-lasting. It is important to act in such a manner that moves the jury and influences them. This will impact your settlement positively.


  • Avoid Downplaying Your Injuries:

Some injured parties tend to downplay their injuries in court after the accident. Even if you think the injuries are not too severe, downplaying them can prove costly to you. You will not get the desired settlement amount if the insurance adjuster or the defence of the third party notices you downplaying your injuries.

  • Waiting too long to file a case:

Victims who have had accidents should file a case without waiting too much. Delay in filing a case can prove costly to you and lower the amount you can potentially receive.

  • Forgetting Future Damages:

An accident not only causes physical injuries,  People  tend to forget that it also causes emotional and psychological trauma. Apart from that, lost wages and medical bills can be a cause of concern for various people.

Hence, it is important to add these damages to the settlement and get a suitable amount for yourself.

  • Avoid Posting on Social Media:

Insurance adjusters and companies can play any trick up their sleeves to minimize your settlement. Apart from that, if you post any information on social media regarding your injuries or the accident, it can minimize the chances of getting a fair settlement.

  • Avoid First Offers From Insurance Companies:

Insurance companies want to close the settlement as soon as possible. They won’t empathize with your injuries and traumas and offer you a quick settlement cheque.

Hence, it is advisable to avoid signing any cheque or agreement from their side the first time.

Things to Keep in Mind While Negotiating a Settlement

Avoid Getting Yourself Declared as the Party at Fault

Avoid such circumstances that can prove you guilty. You must consult your attorney in the accident scenario to get better guidance.

Answer The Questions After A Long Discussion

Insurance company’s representatives will ask your version about the incident. Avoid declaring anything crucial until and unless you have a lawyer at your side.


Getting a fair and justified settlement after an accident can be hard. But it can be attainable with the right legal help.

You just need to consult the best auto accident lawyers,  who have expertise in accidents and injuries. They will help you achieve the rightful settlement amount.

Along with this, you also need to keep the do’s and don’t in mind to ensure you get the best amount for yourself. It will definitely help you cover your overall expenses.

Apart from that, avoid talking with people other than the lawyer. It will definitely get you the best conversation you deserve, and that too without any trouble.

by Ben Williams

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