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#Supernatural: D&D Moral Alignments Of The Angels -BB

Angels are the go-to symbol for goodness and virtue. However, Supernatural deviates from that representation and explores the potential for horror in such powerful beings. That opened the door to a cast of angelic characters with varying personalities and moral alignments.

Angels were introduced in season 4 of The CW’s 15-season show, so there’s been plenty of time to meet a variety of angels who support or wish to thwart the end of the world. Some are more sympathetic to humans than others. Take a look at some of the more memorable angel players in the show and where they fall in the D&D alignment chart.

10 Balthazar: Chaotic Neutral

Balthazar was known by fans as a sassy, entertaining trickster-type (though not THE Trickster). He helps Castiel attempt to kill Fate but also tries to help soulless Sam block his soul from re-entering his body. He sold an angelic weapon to a child, but he also made himself useful to Sam and Dean on occasion.

Balthazar was beholden only to his own whims for his stretch of time on the show, putting him solidly in the chaotic column. Although he was generally more on the good side than the bad, Balthazar was really always after his own best interests, making him neutral.

9 Samandriel: Lawful Good

Samandriel was the archetypal good little angel. Though not one of the more powerful angels, Samandriel just tried to do his job and serve others. He told Dean he was one of those more forgiving of Castiel’s mistakes because he knew Castiel had good intentions and still believed in him.

In a particularly cruel twist a fate, Castiel saved him from torture only to be mind-controlled into killing him. Samandriel’s guilt over releasing the names of the prophets under torture demonstrates his tragic and endearing loyalty, and it was sad to see him go so soon.

8 Hannah: Lawful Good

Hannah was one of many angels introduced by the fall from heaven at the end of season 8. A lower-level angel just trying to do the right thing, Hannah joins Castiel and helps to stop Metatron from abusing the angel tablet. She also helps get the angels back into heaven.

Hannah also tries to help Castiel replenish his grace. She helps to lead heaven in a time when they’re trying to stabilize, and she’s willing to change vessels so that her first vessel can go back to her husband and her life. Hannah’s care for her mission and for human feelings make her lawful good.

7 Uriel: Lawful Neutral

Uriel was no doubt one of the more powerful angels. He was also one of the crueler ones. He had no problem with smiting all the „mud monkeys“ in an entire town and harshly reminded Sam of his blood addiction to put him in his place.

The hierarchy was something Uriel cared very much about. He liked the structure of higher and lower angels, he just didn’t like having God at the top anymore. He had his reasons for thinking God was no longer the greatest good, but Uriel was too willing to do evil to be considered anything but neutral.

6 Anna: Chaotic Good

Anna was a fallen angel for very different reasons than Lucifer. She wanted to enjoy life the way humans did instead of just following orders all the time, but she was basically good-natured and cared about Sam and Dean. Sadly, Anna ended up in a psych ward because she tried to warn people about the apocalypse.

When Dean turned her over to the other angels, Anna immediately forgave him because she understood how he was being coerced. Though she ultimately turned on the Winchesters, it was for good reason; she believed killing Sam would prevent the apocalypse. Though sometimes misguided, Anna was essentially good.

5 Michael: Lawful Good

Michael is frequently compared to Dean particularly as his father’s eternally faithful soldier. Though he does a pretty quick about-face in season 15, it’s not without some effort from Castiel. He has to really see who his father is before he feels betrayed enough to help Dean trap him.

Michael obeys his father’s orders, even when those orders are to kill his brother, but he does it with the belief that it’s all for the greater good. He has a strong desire to do the right thing but is ill-equipped to do it.

4 Naomi: Lawful Neutral

Naomi is a power-player in heaven. The hierarchy there works to her advantage when she wants something done, and she does care about the laws of heaven and protecting heaven’s interests. She spends a lot of effort protecting the angel tablet, for one.

That said, the things Naomi is willing to do are pretty extreme, including mind-controlling and forcing Castiel to murder other angels and even Dean. While she can also be helpful, like when she gets Castiel out of Purgatory, there’s usually a nasty catch. Naomi’s job is to look after heaven, and she’s willing to do evil for that purpose.

3 Lucifer: Chaotic Evil

The classic symbol of rebellion, Lucifer is a selfish and petulant angel. He manipulates a vessel by blaming God for letting the man’s wife die, he torments Sam, and he tries to destroy humanity. He’s more than willing to kill his own brother and whine about how God wasn’t fair to him for hating humans.

Later, Lucifer tries playing God himself and then helps Sam and Dean just to win brownie points with his own son. Except he then tries to kill his son by stealing his grace. Lucifer is incredibly selfish and loves to hurt others, so this rebel lands squarely in the chaotic evil box.

2 Gabriel: Chaotic Neutral

Gabriel literally passed himself off as a Trickster. Not just a prankster, but a god-like creature that messes with people to give them their just desserts. His flair for creative vengeance makes him a decidedly chaotic character, but his leaning toward good is more dubious.

Gabriel helps the Winchesters a lot and genuinely seems to care about his family and the plight of humanity. However, he also chickens out from helping on multiple occasions and even tries to convince Sam and Dean to just go along with the apocalypse and get it over with. His selfishness pulls him away from the good side to make him more neutral.

1 Gadreel: Lawful Good

Gadreel is a tragic figure in the Supernatural universe. He had a strong desire to do good and serve heaven, but his one screw-up was big enough to land him an eternal prison sentence. It was a screw-up of trusting the wrong person; he let Lucifer into Eden.

When Gadreel finally had the opportunity after the angels were cast out of heaven, all he wanted to do was redeem himself. Unfortunately, he again trusted the wrong angel: Metatron. But Gadreel was willing to help Sam and Dean and ultimately sacrificed himself to help stop Metatron from playing God.

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