
#5 Mistakes New Kratom Users Make

5 Mistakes New Kratom Users Make

Kratom, also known as  Mitragyna speciosa, is an ancient herbal supplement used initially in Southeast Asia to help ease pain and for energy. It is derived from the evergreen tree type and contains mitragynine alkaloid compounds and 7-hydroxy mitragynine. When taken in low doses, kratom acts as a mild stimulant but can result in opiate-like high when consumed in high amounts.

FDA research indicates that kratom binds to your brain’s mu-opioid receptors. The same receptors are activated when an individual takes opioids, such as prescription painkillers. It is believed that the  7-hydroxy mitragynine and mitragynine potentially control pain by attaching to opioid receptors.

The popularity of kratom as an alternative to medications such as OxyContin and Vicodin has soared in recent years. The compound is used to manage chronic pain linked to fibromyalgia and arthritis. However, considering Kratom products are relatively new in the market, users often make mistakes that prevent them from experiencing the compound’s full benefits.

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1. Going for Dubious Kratom Vendors

It would be best to learn as much about kratom as possible before you start using it. This process will suggest what to avoid and how to use kratom. Also, ensure you get your red vein bali from a reputable vendor.

Buying kratom from a discount tobacco store, hippie head shop, convenient outlet, or gas station might not be the best bet. You will not get the best quality kratom from these places. Also, these places sell low-quality, over-priced, and possibly contaminated kratom from unknown brands with questionable reputations.

Besides, they use whimsical names and psychedelic packaging to make the product flashy. Despite the flashiness, most of these products are not worth the while.

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2. Treating Kratom as an Opioid

As a new kratom user, you need to remember that repetition of larger frequent kratom servings will do you no good. You do not need to keep increasing your serving or take the supplement frequently, unlike benzos, opioids, or alcohol. When people abuse these other drugs, they are inclined to take more of them and more often. This, however, does not apply to kratom users.

Kratom ensures you get more benefits even when you take low dosages. If you seek more potent effects, the best way would be to halt kratom use for a while. The supplement will hit you stronger, and the effects will last longer when you resume usage. You can also use the technique of reducing your serving and frequency. Scale back a little, take the supplement less frequently, and see what happens.

3. Taking Kratom as a Party Drug

One of the worst things a new or seasoned kratom user can do is take the supplement as a get high party drug. Remeber, kratom is a plant supplement, not a designer drug for chemical thrills. It has specific uses and has proven effective in various goals and issues. It can be used for energy and to assist people in enduring life trials both mentally and physically.

Recreational drugs are used as toys by abusers to have fun. These individuals like to mix and combine recreational drugs, taking them recklessly. They increase the frequency and dosage as the effects of the drug diminish with increased use. Consequently, it becomes expensive to maintain the expense of taking the drug and may result in crime, lies, and other dubious means of getting money.

On the contrary, a kratom user is regular, confident, and productive. This is because kratom gets the job done in the lowest serving. Since the servings are consistent, you can easily manage kratom financially. Also, many kratom users use the supplement independently and do not have to mix it with other drugs.

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4. Failure to Do Resets and Rotate Strains

Doing resets and rotating strains is essential in avoiding tolerance to kratom. Rotating strains take one strain for three days before shifting to another for three days, and so on. By changing the strains you have to take, you will keep your system off-guard.

On the other hand, a reset is when you do not take kratom for a while. It could be a few days, weeks, or even months. Your body forgets about the supplement by flushing it out. After ending your reset will be like using kratom for the first time. Consequently, you experience longer-lasting effects since your body is unfamiliar with the supplement.

5. Not Taking Enough Water and Staying Fit

Another important rule when taking kratom is staying hydrated. On top of that, you need to stay fit. It would be best to avoid constipation and dehydration by working out and enhancing your fluid intake. Staying healthy and taking enough fluids will prevent issues when taking kratom.

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Wrapping Up

Kratom is a great plant that has many uses, mentally and physically. Yet, it would be best to learn about the supplement before using it.

Speaking to a medical provider before trying kratom will also serve you well. If you use kratom and notice it is taking over your life, do not wait to get assistance. Above all, follow the five prompts to be on the safe side.

by Emma Gill

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