Anime || Manga

Let's Explore Crunchyroll's Upcoming Winter Lineup!


Hello all, and welcome back to Why It Works! The fall anime season is almost over at this point, and with winter just around the corner, Crunchyroll has already begun filling out their list of upcoming simulcasts. You can check out the full list of shows announced so far right over here, but merely seeing a list of titles and synopses isn’t really enough to tell you why you should be excited for some or another production. And with the current announced list already supplemented by continuing favorites like My Hero Academia, Black Clover, and Chihayafuru, figuring out what new shows to check out can feel a little overwhelming.




Fortunately, I am here to help. Having spent far too much time perusing staff lists and generally submerged in anime production ephemera, I return with a handful of fresh recommendations for the winter season, along with specific reasons to be excited about each of them. Today on Why It Works, let’s explore some of the coming highlights of the winter season!

First off, I can’t help but begin by highlighting Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! I wrote a full article breaking down my excitement for this one a few weeks ago, and what was true then is still true now. Masaaki Yuasa is one of the greatest anime directors of all time, and any new production by him is an absolute cause for celebration. Eizouken’s early trailers are already demonstrating the show’s profound energy and inventive, contrasting art styles, as well as no end of scrappy charm courtesy of its three heroines.


The director of The Tatami Galaxy, Ping Pong the Animation, Devilman Crybaby, and many other fabulous productions, Yuasa and his team at Science Saru are creators with no parallel, crafting creative, ambitious, and utterly beautiful stories that truly demonstrate the limitless potential of animation. And given Yuasa’s tendency to only pull from the best source material, I have every expectation that Eizouken is going to be a highlight this winter.

This winter will also be featuring the return of a much-beloved franchise that’s spent far too long off-screen: Madoka Magica, in the form of side-story adaptation Magia Record. Though Magia Record isn’t being penned by Gen Urobuchi, most of Madoka Magica’s other core staff are returning; Madoka veteran Yukihiro Miyamoto will still be directing, and Gekidan Inu Curry (the two-person team responsible for Madoka’s alluring witch labyrinths) will be returning as well. Madoka Magica has a visual style like little else in anime, and I’m thrilled to return to its enchanting, terrifying dreamscapes.


Next up, I’m particularly curious about the manga adaptation Somali and the Forest Spirit. Director Kenji Yasuda is a veteran who’s worked on series as diverse as Fullmetal Alchemist, Noein, and Macross, but it’s actually Somali’s incredibly colorful trailers that have most piqued my interest. Featuring lush painted backgrounds and plentiful inventive character designs, Somali and the Forest Spirit looks to be a strong entry in the popular “dad and daughter drama” subgenre. If you’ve enjoyed works like Sweetness & Lightning or If It’s For My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord, this seems like it’ll be an excellent pick.

Finally, I get the feeling a lot of fans will be surprised by how much they enjoy Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It. Focusing on a pair of scientists who keep dancing around their obvious attraction to each other, Science Fell in Love seems determined to mine exactly the same romantic tension that made Kaguya-sama such a hit. Early trailers are already demonstrating Kaguya-sama’s style of madcap romantic comedy, and though Kaguya-sama director Shinichi Omata is a unique talent, Tooru Kitahata has a fine resume in his own right. If you’re looking for a romantic comedy this winter, Science Fell in Love seems like a strong choice.




That’s all I’ve got for the moment, though of course, my list will certainly grow as Crunchyroll releases more of their upcoming roster. All in all, I feel we have a pretty diverse spread of anime to enjoy in the coming months, and can’t wait to see what surprises I’ve totally failed to anticipate. Here’s to the new season, and let me know what you’re all most anticipating in the comments!

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Nick Creamer has been writing about cartoons for too many years now, and is always ready to cry about Madoka. You can find more of his work at his blog Wrong Every Time, or follow him on Twitter.

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