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Schitt's Creek: 5 Reasons Alexis Should Have Ended Up With Ted (5 It Should Have Been Mutt) -BB

As Schitt’s Creek comes to a close, it seems that most of the Rose family have found their feet – David has his store and is marrying Patrick, Johnny is managing the motel, and Moira has a movie (admittedly, a terrible one) and is loving it. And Alexis? The spoiled daughter of the Rose family has gone back to school, started her own business, and settled down with the lovely Ted.

However, Ted didn’t seem like the ideal match for Alexis for a long time (and anything can happen on this show), so could Mutt have been the better choice?

10 Mutt: Instant Attraction

While Alexis and Ted were far from unattracted to each other on first meeting, there’s simply no denying that the instant chemistry of Alexis and Mutt was a whole lot stronger. The first moment she saw him, Alexis strolled right on over to Mutt and kissed him – and while it may have taken a while to get anywhere from there, there’s just no getting away from the fact that they were connected from the start.

9 Ted: Happy To Commit

One of the best things about Ted, especially compared to Mutt, is that he clearly actually wants a real relationship. Mutt seems to go through girlfriends at a pretty rapid rate, and there’s definitely a whiff of the commitment-phobe about him. For Alexis, someone who definitely needs some stability, this makes Ted a much better option. Of course, we’re waiting to find out if this lasts the trip to the Galapagos, but for the moment, Ted is definitely in it for the long term.

8 Mutt: Challenges Her Spoiled Side

Alexis, much as we love her, is definitely spoiled. And Mutt? Well, Mutt lives in a converted barn, and tries to be as zero waste as possible. It may seem like these two are just too different, but in many ways, Mutt helped Alexis challenge her notions of what a ‚good‘ life looked like, and widen her horizons. Initially, Alexis even wondered if Mutt was homeless, just because he looked different and was picking up compost scraps from the cafe!

7 Ted: Encourages Her Work

Ted has been one of Alexis‘ biggest cheerleaders in the show when it comes to her getting her life together – and he even helped her get her first job.

Admittedly, he originally did it just to help her out, but he soon saw how talented she was, and encouraged her to make something of her brains, not just her beauty.

6 Mutt: Friends First

Despite the fact that Alexis is so wildly different to him, Mutt became one of her first real friends in Schitt’s Creek. Through their joint community service, they actually became close – so much so that he stuck it out longer than he had to. Having a romantic relationship with a solid friendship behind it is definitely an ideal situation. Of course, it’s arguable that a lot of this friendship was really rooted in sexual desire for each other, but there was definitely more than just lust going on here.

5 Ted: Sees The Best In Her

Much as we love Mutt, there are definitely times that he seems a little patronizing when it comes to Alexis. Ted, however, sees Alexis as absolutely amazing – not just beautiful, but smart and interesting and incredible. It’s been amazing to see how his faith in her has helped her live up to that.

And of course, any romantic partner should think that the person they are with is amazing, through and through. Even when it comes to Alexis at work, Ted can see her strengths as well as her weaknesses.

4 Mutt: Able To Stand Up To Her

Of course, the flip side of Ted’s admiration for Alexis is that sometimes he can be a little bit of a pushover. Mutt definitely didn’t have that issue, and while it caused a few problems for the couple, it was also good for Alexis to have someone who would challenge her from time to time, and not just accept whatever she wanted. While Ted has a tendency of agreeing with whatever Alexis wants, Mutt was very much his own person from the start, and very clear on exactly what he wanted, too.

3 Ted: Fits Her Plans For Life

As much as Mutt helped Alexis with her personal growth, there’s no denying that Ted is a far better fit for what Alexis always wanted. He’s a ‚doctor‘ (vets are doctors, David!), he’s classically handsome, he has a great place (even if the decor is a bit uninspired) and he seems to have his life together. He may not have quite as much cash as Alexis always wanted, but he’s a great balance of her Schitt’s Creek side and her original desires.

2 Mutt: Similarly Adventurous

Throughout the series, Alexis has a habit of dropping in references to her truly wild and outrageous stories of traveling the world, modeling, talking her way through roadblocks, ending up in other countries on a whim… she may be spoiled, but she’s definitely not sheltered. In fact, Alexis may be one of the most confident and adventurous characters on the show. Mutt, while significantly quieter than her, is just as adventurous. He lives life on his terms, he wandered off on a pinecone adventure… and he even has a criminal record to match hers.

1 Ted: Provides Balance

More than anything Ted and Alexis are perfect for each other because they balance each other out. Alexis is a breath of fresh air to Ted, showing him another side of life, and bringing out his adventurous and creative side. And Ted provides some much-needed stability and a grounding influence on Alexis, without putting her down. Through their relationship, we’ve seen them learn how to negotiate and compromise, how to communicate better, and generally how to be the best couple that they can be. Ted is someone who lets Alexis shine, and she knows that she’s better off with him in her life.

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