
Lazy Loading In Angular: Complete Guide

In our digitally dominated era, Angular boldly shines as a crucial tool for developing vibrant and potent web applications. It has redefined how developers shape single-page applications by offering an array of options to fine-tune them for performance and user interaction. 

Among the various concepts, Lazy Loading in Angular takes a particular spotlight in driving superior performance. Let’s delve into lazy loading – a design approach that hinges on creating or initializing objects only when they’re demanded. 

Lazy loading in Angular centrally involves loading features of an application just when they’re needed, thus reducing the initial loading period and saving bandwidth. By segmenting the application into feature modules and loading them wisely, this technique can notably elevate the performance of the application.

The Significance of Lazy Loading in Angular

Smart Use of Resources

Implementing lazy loading brings along a significant positive influence on resource usage, from both user and server viewpoints. Applications, when loading, need bandwidth to pull in and load necessary files and assets. Lazy loading guarantees that only the essential parts, features, or assets of an application are fetched and initialized, effectively reducing the initial payload and preserving bandwidth.

Speeding Up Application Load Time

The initial loading time of an application is often a vital aspect that can mold user engagement and retention. As the load time grows from 1 second to 3 seconds, bounce rates rise by 32%

Lazy loading breaks the application into various chunks and loads them as required. This ensures that the initial load time is kept to a minimum, bestowing a quick and responsive experience from the get-go.

Elevating User Experience

Lazy loading in Angular notably amplifies the user experience by providing an uninterrupted interaction without the user being held back by extensive waiting periods during navigation. The features or modules are dynamically loaded in the background, ensuring that users can wander through different sections of the application without bumping into noticeable delays. This fluid and unbroken user journey bolsters engagement and invites users to delve deeper into the application’s features.

Efficient Server Operations

Looking through the lens of server operations, lazy loading assists in lightening the resource load. Rather than pushing the entire application assets to every user, the server can allocate resources more judiciously, ensuring that the distributed assets are precisely what a user needs at that moment. This alleviates server loads, particularly during high-traffic periods, guaranteeing stable and resilient application availability.

Implementing Lazy Loading: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Setting up Angular Routing

To get started with lazy loading, you’ve got to get Angular routing set up first. So, when you’re pulling together your Angular project, you’ll want to make sure to incorporate routing. How about using the Angular CLI command to do the trick? Just type:

ng new my-app --routing

Step 2: Module Creation

Angular cleverly wraps features into modules, which you can then lazily load. So, let’s create a feature module and its routing. Simply use:

ng generate module my-feature –route my-feature –module app.module

With this, Angular is clever enough to automatically pop out a module and a component, not forgetting to configure the app-routing.module.ts to use them.

Step 3: Configuring Lazy Loading Paths

Next, let’s get our hands on with some code in your app-routing.module.ts. We’re going to tailor the route to utilize lazy loading, using the loadChildren property, and a sleek arrow function to make sure the module only gets loaded when it’s called upon:

const routes: Routes = [


    path: 'my-feature',

    loadChildren: () => import('./my-feature/my-feature.module').then(m => m.MyFeatureModule)



Step 4: Navigation Through RouterLink

We’ll employ Angular’s RouterLink directive to weave through components and take advantage of those lazily loaded modules when the relevant route gets triggered. 

<a routerLink="/my-feature">Navigate to My Feature</a>

Step 5: Guarding Lazy-loaded Modules

Now, to sprinkle in some extra optimization, how about adding some guards to those lazy-loaded modules? By slotting in route guards like CanLoad, you can smartly limit the loading of modules based on certain conditions or permissions, giving your lazy loading an extra layer of optimization.

Challenges and Considerations in Implementing Lazy Loading

Even though Lazy Loading in Angular gets a lot of applause for its stellar capability to jazz up app performance, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There are some hurdles and things to think about when you hire an Angular developer

1. Navigating Through Preloading Strategies

Deciding the ‚when‘ and ‚how‘ of module loading in a lazy loading configuration can indeed be a bit of a mind-boggler. Angular throws different preloading strategies into the mix, giving developers the reins to manage module loading:

  • No Preloading: Here, no modules get preloaded, and everything loads as needed, which can create some waiting times.
  • Preload All: With this, all modules get preloaded straight after the app loads, which might cause an initial performance dip.
  • Custom Preloading: Developers put on their thinking caps to create their own logic for when modules get preloaded.

Picking a strategy that is in harmony with the app’s needs and user anticipations is crucial to strike a chord between top-notch performance and resource use.

2. Managing Memory Usage

As users explore the application and various modules pop up, it’s vital to cast an eye over the possible climb in memory usage that might happen with lazy loading. Keeping memory leaks in check and ensuring garbage collection is on its A-game needs to be handled with finesse for a smooth-running operation.

3. Ensuring Seamless User Experience

Even though lazy loading is a champ at optimizing resource use, Angular development services need to make sure that loading modules don’t throw in any annoying waits and lags. Finding that sweet spot between loading what’s needed and keeping a sleek UX requires strategic planning and user-focused development.

4. Testing and Debugging Complexities

Lazy loading brings along asynchronous operations that can weave a complex web when it comes to testing and debugging. Making sure modules pop up correctly in various scenarios and pinpointing issues in an environment where modules load based on conditions can bring forth its own set of puzzle pieces.


With Angular being a big player in the web development playground, getting to grips with its robust features and strategies like lazy loading is essential. By utilizing Angular development services, businesses can ramp up their web application’s performance. They may also mold a user experience that vibes with their audience, thereby creating bonds and driving engagements.

by Bhavika Chauhan

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