
#Common Behaviours of Cocker Spaniel Puppies and How to Handle Them

Cocker Spaniels are energetic dogs who love to play games. They have very charming personalities; these dogs are very responsive, and no doubt they are adorable pets. Most obedient and faithful dogs are cocker spaniels; this breed is the best companion. They are smart and easily trainable. Cocker Spaniel dogs have been recognized by the American Kennel Club. 

Let’s know some brief information about this dog.


Cocker Spaniel dogs are affectionate with family, are good with kids, and are good with other animals. You need to do monthly grooming of their coats. These dogs love to be social, even with strangers; they don’t hesitate; they are good with them. They are playful dogs because they are energetic, so you can play with them anytime. Every dog feels some protectiveness for their family and owner. Just like their protectiveness level is high, they will protect you anyway. 

They are adaptive, which means they can adapt to a new environment easily. You need to be patient with them. They may take some time to become comfortable with you, but they will accept you very quickly if you give your time to them. You will make them feel good about you, and they will become more affectionate with you. 

As it is mentioned, they are intelligent; that’s why they are easily trainable, and they are eager to learn new techniques and to do new tasks. They are active in these activities. Their energy level is damn good. You can make them take part in any activity, and they will show you the result. They bark only if needed; meanwhile, you have to teach them from the beginning that they have to bark to alert you. Although this is a natural quality in them, unnecessarily barking is not good. 

You should give them toys to keep them busy with some work that will help them with mental stimulation. They are available in many colors: black, red, liver, etc. Cocker Spaniel dogs have a lifespan of up to 14 years, and if you keep them healthy, it may extend, but it’s up to you. The maximum height of Cocker Spaniel dogs is 17 inches, and their weight is 34 pounds at maximum. 

Cocker Spaniels are loyal dogs, and usually, dogs are loyal to their owners, so this is the best quality that lies in them.

Now let’s talk about cocker spaniel common behaviours and how to handle them. 

Common Behaviours of Cocker Spaniel Dogs

Nipping and Chewing

Chewing many objects that come in front of them is their common behavior, and they can chew anything they see. But this is not good because sometimes you don’t know if you keep any electronic devices or any chemical products anywhere in your house, and if they chew them, it may cause great damage to you and your dog. So to prevent this, you need to give them those kinds of toys that they can chew on or keep them busy with any other activity.

They do this behavior if they are getting bored and they don’t have anything to do, so for their mental stimulation, you have to keep them busy with other work. 

Separation Anxiety

This is an important issue that you need to take care of because they may face this problem if you go to work for 10 minutes or 10 days. They have to live alone at that time. This is a problem for them because they can’t bear it if you go and leave them alone. This is the anxiety issue that will increase in them. 

In this situation, whether you take them with you or not, you can make it a habit for them that you should go somewhere and leave them with toys and different things that they love to play with. You can give them to your neighbors or any friend. So that they will not feel alone. But you can train them for these so that they don’t feel anxiety issues or separation fear.


Barking is good if they are doing it to alert you, but unnecessarily barking is a bad habit. You need to control that. They may bark sometimes at other animals or strangers for no reason to scare them, but this is not appropriate. You have to teach them this in training so that they bark only if needed.

Or if they are getting bored, give them toys so that they can play with them, and don’t do any unwanted behaviour like barking all the time. 


This is one of the most common behaviors in dogs: they jump when they see their owner coming, and sometimes they jump on people to greet them, unnecessarily also. If they have not grown up yet, then it is okay, but if they are of adult age, then this is not good. In this case, you have to appreciate them when they put their legs on the ground and let them know that it is good when they put their paws on the ground. So they will stop jumping. This is part of the training that you need to teach them.


These were some common behavioural issues of Cocker Spaniel dogs and how to handle them in particular situations. 

by Jasmeet Singh

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