Anime || Manga

Evangelion Teddy Bears Make Angel Fighting a Little Cozier -BB


Despite Evangelion’s apocalyptic themes, there’s an inordinate amount of cute merch available for it. The latest example hails from stuffed toy maker Kumamate, which is launching a line of teddy bears and teddy bear costumes for the Rebuild film series.


The new teddy bear mascots, seen above, will be available in a trio of color schemes matching the 01, 02, and 06 units. The teddies are about 14cm long, and have their unit number embroidered on the left foot. Bears are 1,000 yen each plus tax.



A new line of costumes is also available, which will fit any of the standard-sized Kumamate bears. Selections include Rebuild-version plugsuits (1,500 yen each), Misato’s uniform (1,800 yen), and Asuka’s outfit with eyepatch (1,600 yen).


All of Kumamate’s Evangelion goods are available for pre-order, and are scheduled to be released in June of this year.


>> Kumamate Online Shop

Source: Anime! Anime!



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